JH girls (grades 6th-8th) basketball practice begins Friday, September 10 after school. Make sure you sign up if interested by Wednesday. Make sure you have a physical and proof of insurance on file at school. We will have practice from 8-10 on Saturday and a parent meeting at 5 on Monday, September 13th.
Calling all parents! The Beecher City Parent Association will be having a meeting on Friday, September 10 at 7:00 PM. The location will be announced at a later date. If you are interested and can not attend please email Mr. Deadmond @ bdeadmond@beechercity.org!
Just a reminder Friday Sept. 3, 2021 is PICTURE DAY!!!!!
It was a great day in Music at the Grade School. Fun to learn about the instruments!
All baseball and softball games scheduled for tonight have been cancelled due to rain.
The senior golf outing is September 25 at 1:00 PM! The information is attached. If you would like to enter a team, sponsor a hole or sponsor a cart please contact the school office.
It's all about soccer this week in P.E. at the Grade School.
Special Board Meeting
Congratulations Coach Wendte on your IBCA Hall of Fame induction. We are proud of all your accomplishments! Also, congratulations to all the other area coaches who were honored.
The Grade School had a P.A.W.S. kickoff party today. Thanks to the Beecher City Church of Christ for letting us use the rec room! Fun!
HS Volleyball on 8/30/2021 @ Okaw Valley. Masks will be required for all players, coaches, and fans in attendance. Fans must have a mask on to enter the game. They will be denied entry if they are non-compliant. Livestream Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQRjvmDcYK8KuBn-7iVnu0w
The Jr High Baseball game at Shelbyville has been cancelled due to rain. There will be practice from 3:30 to 5.
Attention all Parents!!!! There will be a Booster Club meeting on September 1 at 5:30 PM in the high school library. This would be a great opportunity to get involved and be a part of the school! If you are unable to attend and still want to be a part of Booster Club email bdeadmond@beechercity.org
The Beecher City Grade School has an opening for a teacher aide position. Please see the image attached for all of the details.
The JH baseball tournament at Greenville has been moved up 1 hour on Saturday. We will now play at 9 & 11. Bus time also been changed by an hour.
We will leave Shumway at 7 am BC at 7:10 and Cowden at 7:20.
Athletic changes due to heat:
Wednesday practice:
X - Country (JH & HS) starts at 6 pm at Cowden Park, HS & JH baseball Practice starts at 5 pm and JH softball is cancelled
Thursday practice:
X - Country (JH & HS) starts at 6 pm at Cowden Park, HS baseball Practice starts at 5 pm
Friday practice:
X - Country (JH & HS) Cancelled
Also the JH softball game on Mon. @ Martinsville has been changed to Beecher City. One game and it starts at 4:30 pm
Picture Day at Beecher City Jr/Sr High School will be Friday, September 3rd, 2021. Order forms will be sent home. You may also order pictures online by using the code on the attached flyer.
Reminder: Students should not arrive at school before 7:45 AM., unless they have a detention or permission from an instructor, coach, or administrator. This includes students who drive on to campus as well.
We are experiencing issues with our phones and internet. If you are trying to reach the school and cannot get through please be patient, we have a technician here working. If you need to reach the school about matters for TODAY (8/18/21), please email bdeadmond@beechercity.org for the high school and khanfland@beechercity.org for the grade school.
The Beecher City Community Unit School District #20 will have a special board meeting on Saturday, August 14 at 4:00PM in the high school library.