almost 4 years ago, Beecher City Jr/Sr High
Live stream links for tonight's away games: JH Volleyball:
almost 4 years ago, Beecher City Jr/Sr High
Live stream links for tonight's away games: HS Girls Basketball: JH Volleyball:
almost 4 years ago, Beecher City Jr/Sr High
Link for HS Girls basketball at Altamont on 2/27/21.
almost 4 years ago, Beecher City Jr/Sr High
Live stream links for today's away games: JH Volleyball:
almost 4 years ago, Beecher City Jr/Sr High
The Spanish students enjoyed FFA week!
almost 4 years ago, Tammy Keller
FFA petting zoo
Today was tractor day at BCHS! Several students drove their tractors to school. What a way to cap off FFA week! Link for tractor day video:
almost 4 years ago, Beecher City Jr/Sr High
Live stream links for tonight's away games: HS Boys Basketball:
almost 4 years ago, Beecher City Jr/Sr High
February 26, 2021 Beecher City’s current numbers for this week: - Staff Quarantined-0 - Staff Positive-0 - Non-Certified Quarantined-0 - Non-Certified Positive-0 - Students Quarantined-0 - Students Positive-0 Students quarantined are contact tracing students as well as students with any of the following symptoms that must stay home: • Fever >100.4 • Chills • Fatigue • Muscle or body aches • Headache • Shortness of breath • Difficulty breathing • Cough • Sore throat • Congestion or runny nose • Loss of appetite • New loss of sense of taste or smell • Nausea • Vomiting • Diarrhea • Abdominal pain • Any other COVID-19 symptoms identified by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) or Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). Philip Lark, Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Beecher City CUSD #20
The HS Girls game link has been changed to:
almost 4 years ago, Beecher City Jr/Sr High
Hey Parents/Guardians! Did you know that time is running out to purchase your child's High School Yearbook? In fact, the price increases by $10 on March 1st! For only a few more days, you can still purchase for $50! Don't try your luck! Purchase your book today by visiting!
almost 4 years ago, Beecher City Jr/Sr High
Thanks to Mr. Tarr and the BCHS FFA for putting on the petting zoo during FFA week! The students loved playing with all of the animals!
almost 4 years ago, Beecher City Jr/Sr High
Mrs. Tirevold’s Applied Math students conducted an experiment to see how many rubber bands it would take to safely allow Barbie to bungee jump from a certain height. Students used the data to graph a line of best fit and make predictions for Barbie to safely bungee from a larger height. See the video at:
almost 4 years ago, Beecher City Jr/Sr High
Some high school Art students stayed after school for Stang Arts. Thanks to Stang Arts, Mrs. Hicks and the students for creating these amazing pieces of art!
almost 4 years ago, Beecher City Jr/Sr High
Live stream links for tonight's away games: HS Girls Basketball: JH Boys Basketball:
almost 4 years ago, Beecher City Jr/Sr High
Link for the HS boys game tonight:
almost 4 years ago, Beecher City Jr/Sr High
The PE classes at the Grade School have enjoyed playing hockey this week!
almost 4 years ago, Karen Hanfland
CALLING ALL BEECHER CITY PARENTS! We need about 15 more more of you to complete the survey at the link below to reach our goal! It should take about 10 minutes and it helps the school tremendously! Link to survey:
almost 4 years ago, Beecher City Jr/Sr High
Beecher City CUSD #20 will resume its 3:00 PM dismissal time to start the fourth quarter. (March 8th) Currently, we have minimal quarantined students. If numbers would increase, we would consider returning to the 2:00 PM dismissal time again.
almost 4 years ago, Beecher City CUSD #20
Beecher City 5th Grade Basketball there WILL be transportation provided TO the game on 2/23/21, if needed. You are responsible for transportation home from game. Please fill out the note sent home with your child today!
almost 4 years ago, Kim Miller