On Wednesday, April 8 Beecher City FFA will be having a plant sale at the Greenhouse from 8 AM to 3 PM. The cost of the plants will be a free will donation. Please practice all social distancing guidelines. Seniors if there are plants you want please come pick them up.
Grade School Cook/Bus Driver for 2020-2021 school year.
The Wyatt Giles Memorial Scholarship will be due April 30 to Mrs. Keller. Seniors will receive the application via email.
The Remote Learning packets will be delivered on Monday, April 6th. The packet will consist of learning materials for April 8th through April 30th. We will start delivering at 8:00 A.M. The packets will include instructions from building principals and teachers. During this time, students are encouraged to email teachers with questions. The Beecher CIty Remote Learning plan is located on the schools website under the COVID-19 section.
Students can still complete online activities that are on our website.
Remember, this style of teaching is new to teachers as well as students. We appreciate the support and patience from everyone as we all work together during this unprecedented time.
Beecher City CUSD #20 Remote Learning
Illinois Fiber Connect
The Wayne and Mercy Doty deadline has also been extended. Seniors if you have that one completed or plan to, please email me tkeller@beechercity.org
Please consider donating blood, if they receive 20 complete donations our Student Council will receive a grant!
Beecher City CUSD #20 will be closed through April 7, 2020. As of right now, we plan to come back on April 8, 2020. We will keep you posted if there are any changes in coming days.
The FBLA State Leadership Conference has been cancelled. FBLA members see the attached document.
Parents and students, on the school website www.beechercity.org, in the explore section on the top of the page, a new tab has been created called COVID-19. In this tab, educational resources have been added for students to continue learning while school is not in session. We will continue to add to these resources if the closure extends beyond March 30. If you have questions please contact Mr. Deadmond, Mrs. Millville or your classroom teacher in the area you have a question via email. Emails can be found on Teacherease and the school website. Thank you and stay safe!
Due to the COVID-19 the school has minimal staff working on a daily basis. With this being said, if you need anything the best way to contact anyone is through email, we do not advise calling. Mr. Lark can be reached at plark@beechercity.org or Kim Miller can be reached at kmiller@beechercity.org.
The Beecher City Drama Club Binga scheduled for March 27th has been canceled.
Our first Grab and Go breakfast delivery went out at 8:00 a.m. If you wish for your child(ren), registered with the school, to receive breakfast and/or lunch while we are closed be sure to get registered by 2 p.m. the day prior to delivery. Call 618-487-5100 OPTION 1!
Breakfast and Lunch "Grab and Go"
The blood drive scheduled to be held at Beecher City High School on Monday March 16, 2020 has been postponed.
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, Beecher City CUSD #20 will be using extreme caution and school will not be in session on Monday March 16, 2020. Again, there will be no school tomorrow Monday, March 16.
Governor Pritzker has ordered all Illinois public and private schools closed starting Tuesday, March 17 and returning on Monday, March 30. Beecher CIty CUSD #20 will be closed during these days. Reminder we will be in school on Monday, March 16.
Just in case of a mandated closure.
Beecher City Community Unit District #20 Update on the COVID-19